Prohibited and Limited Items

You can select the country you wish to ship to and learn about which products are prohibited or restricted. Since each country has different regulations, some products may either be completely banned or subject to certain restrictions. The list below covers products that are prohibited or restricted for shipping.

  • Important Reminder:
    This list may not be comprehensive, and bans/restrictions are subject to change over time. We will regularly update this page based on the information we receive from carriers and customs authorities.

However, it is ultimately your responsibility to ensure that the products you send or purchase comply with all government and carrier regulations. The list of prohibited items for each country or region is provided solely for informational purposes.

  • Before Shipping:
    In accordance with legal regulations and international shipping rules, the shipment of certain products to specific countries is prohibited. These products may be held up at customs and could lead to legal complications. Please carefully review the list below before shipping and ensure that your items are not among the prohibited products.

If you are uncertain or have doubts, feel free to contact our customer service. Non-compliant shipments may be seized by customs officials, and legal action may be taken.

  • Customer Satisfaction:
    Customer satisfaction and ensuring a safe shipping process are our top priorities. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

North America

  • Base or counterfeit coins
  • Goods manufactured wholly or in part by prison labor
  • Ivory, processed or unprocessed
  • Phosphorus matches
  • Cannabis (in any form)
  • Narcotics, controlled drugs and restricted drugs
  • Personal shipments of alcohol and tobacco
  • Hemp products such as cosmetics, clothing, food, etc. containing Tetrahydrocannabinols (THC).
  • Personal imports of pet food from countries other than the U.S.
  • Vaping products that says/claims to be beneficial to a person's health.
  • Commercial unlicensed vaping products.
  • Logs and timber products from Liberia such as woodchips, poles, posts, fence pickets, sheets, flooring, molding, pallets, tool handles, barrels, crates, tableware/kitchenware, shutters, blinds, cases/boxes/chests for jewelry and silverware, clothes hangers, clothespins, toothpicks, etc.
  • Switchblade knives
  • Seditious or treasonable matter
  • Petroleum or petroleum products of Syrian origin
  • Kinder Surprise Eggs (Easter Chocolate Eggs with surprise)
  • Soil (a)
  • Shipments requiring duty free entry under vessel repair or ship stores provision.
  • Articles imported in violation of Copyright, Trademark and/or Patent laws.
  • Merchandise produced by convict, forced or indentured labor.
  • Craft wood items from China that contain wooden logs, limbs, branches, or twigs greater than 1 centimeter in diameter and with intact bark.
  • Birds, poultry and unprocessed bird/poultry from regions where the H5N1 Avian Influenza has been reported.
  • Wildlife commodities that require Fish and Wildlife clearance prior to exportation from the U.S.
  • African Elephant Ivory is prohibited except for certain manufactured items with -worked- elephant ivory that was legally acquired and removed from the wild prior to February 26, 1976 if the commodity contains less than 200 grams of ivory and meet the following: -Items that are part of the household move, inheritance, or traveling exhibition, Law enforcement and bona fide scientific specimens, Musical instruments, Furniture pieces and Firearms.
  • Articles that require inspection/release at a specialized U.S. Department of Agriculture Plant Protection and Quarantine facility (for propagative plant material, products from CITES regulated plants, insects, etc.), or at a Food Safety and Inspection Service facility (for meat, poultry and egg products).
  • For commodity prohibition between the U.S. and Puerto Rico, refer to the "Prohibited Items for Shipments Within the U.S." found in Section A of this guide.
  • Hemp products such as cosmetics, clothing, food, etc. that contains Tetrahydrocannabinols (THC).
  • All pipes related to the use of illicit drugs such as smoking pipes used as drug paraphernalia
  • Poisons
  • Oil (all kinds)
  • Matches
  • Second Hand Tires
  • Used Clothing (except unaccompanied baggage)
  • Petroleum
  • Alcohol (natural, ethylic, industrialized)
  • Forged or counterfeit goods
  • Electronic Cigarettes
  • Drugs (narcotic, hallucinogenic, etc.)
  • Toxic Gases
  • Logs and timber products from Liberia such as woodchips, poles, posts, fence pickets, sheets, flooring, molding, pallets, tool handles, barrels, crates, tableware/kitchenware, shutters, blinds, cases/boxes/chests for jewelry and silverware, clothes hangers, clothespins, toothpicks, etc.


  • Carcinogenic Substances
  • Copyright works
  • Eggs, excluding Specified Pathogen Free (SPF)
  • Personal consignments of foodstuffs containing products of animal origin (see Notes Section)
  • Firearms - including toy, replica, antique and paintball guns, weaponry and their parts
  • Flick and Gravity Knives
  • Foreign Prison made goods
  • Straw
  • Infectious Substance
  • Horror comics and material for printing horror comics
  • Jerky Products for private importation
  • Radio Actives
  • Wood, unprocessed
  • Whale by-products
  • Self Defense/Deterrent Sprays
  • All Animal Products - (see exceptions under NOTES)
  • Ammunition
  • Video-senders (used to transmit TV signals) within band 470-854 Mhz
  • Life size, anatomically correct mannequins (a)
  • Shipments subject to "Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora" (CITES).
  • Live Animals (including insects, fruit flies/drosophila melanogaster and nematodes).
  • All excise shipments (tobacco, alcohol) from within the EU are prohibited unless accompanied by proof of UK excise payment or excise duty suspension documents that includes the Administrative Reference Code (ARC).
  • Plants of Solanum melongena (Aubergine), Colocasia sp (Patra leaves), Momordica sp (Bitter gourd) and Trichosanthes sp (Snake gourd), originating in India
  • Hides, skins and apparel from the following animals: Castor Canadensis, Lutra Canadensis, Canis Iatrans, Canis lupus, Iynx Canadensis, Felis rufus , Martes zibellina, Procyon, Iotor, Ondatra zibethicus, Martes pennant, Taxidea taxus, Martes Americana and Mustela ermine are prohibited from certain countries.
  • Commodities/products of Iranian origin ("Made in Iran") regardless to shipments origin or destination.
  • 1.4 Explosives (exception: 1.4 S excluding UN 0323, UN 0349, UN 0384, UN 0481)
  • 1.3 Explosives
  • Radioactives
  • Cigarettes
  • Cigars
  • Tobacco for water pipes
  • Chewing Tobacco
  • Certain food items from certain countries cannot be cleared.
  • Ozone depleting substances (ODS, such as CFC or halon) or products containing them, except for fire extinguishers for aircraft (Importer needs Import License and Permit before pick up of the shipment!).
  • Medication that includes: over the counter and certain nutritional supplements considered to be medication by DE regulations.
  • Live animals ("animals" according to standard zoological/scientific definition, including insects. Drosophila Melanogaster and Caenorhabditis elegans are exempt).
  • All meat and milk products (including products made out of milk or meat i.e. whey protein and beef jerky) to private individuals (gifts are included).
  • Commodities/products of Iranian origin ("Made in Iran") regardless to shipments origin or destination.
  • Medication that includes over the counter and certain nutritional supplements (considered as medication) by German regulations.
  • Asbestosis
  • Counterfeits
  • Creatin
  • Doping Products
  • Melatonin
  • Modems (restricted to business usage)
  • Products Psychtropic
  • Viagra & Vitamins
  • Tobacco Leaf
  • Bird Feathers
  • Cut Flowers
  • Seeds
  • Plants
  • Hunting Trophies
  • Vegetables
  • Fruits
  • Products containing lead salt & Nickel
  • Radioactives
  • Broker Select Option (BSO) is not an option for Prohibited Items.
  • Cigarettes and all products made of tobacco regardless to value are prohibited, including shipments from the European Countries.
  • Commodities/products of Iranian origin (""Made in Iran"") regardless to shipments origin or destination.

Australia, Asia, and Pacific

  • Flammable nightwear
  • Milk (c)
  • Viagra (commercial)
  • Paintball Guns
  • Beef and Meat products
  • Unpopped Popcorn
  • Pine Cones
  • Firearms
  • Ammunition
  • Paintball Bullets
  • Filament light globes
  • Honey
  • Assembly Order (a)
  • Personal Effect (b)
  • Health Supplements containing Hoodia, Yohimbe and DHEA.
  • Jewelry shipments are prohibited to Norfolk Island through Australia.
  • Logs and timber products from Liberia such as woodchips, poles, posts, fence pickets, sheets, flooring, molding, pallets, tool handles, barrels, crates, tableware/kitchenware, shutters, blinds, cases/boxes/chests for jewelry and silverware, clothes hangers, clothespins, toothpicks, etc.
  • Shipments (including mail) originating in or transiting through Syria and Yemen or Somalia entering Australia or its territories.
  • Shipments transiting Australia to New Zealand and the South Pacific Islands.
  • Certain commodities are prohibited to import in Australia. The shipper must research to see if their product is prohibited by checking the AU Customs website and the Australian Government Department of Agriculture (ICON) database. This MUST be done PRIOR to shipping. If this research is not done, the shipment will be returned to origin, seized or destroyed by local authorities.
  • Shipments originated from or transited through Egypt, except items that are currently exempt from screening under Australian Regulations, such as diplomatic bags and smaller items of international mail.
  • Shipment originated from or transited through Bangladesh unless security examination was approved prior to travelling to Australia or shipments exempt from examination under Australian regulations such as: mail items under 500 grams; cargo under 250 grams and length less than 5 mm, biological tissues; legitimately prepared dangerous goods (prepared in compliance with applicable regulations), commonwealth government articles and diplomatic bags. The approved last ports of call are: Dubai; Abu Dhabi; Doha; Singapore; Kuala Lumpur; Bangkok; Hong Kong; or Guangzhou.
  • Collectible Coins
  • Collectible Currency
  • Collectible Stamps
  • Arms & Sword (Ammunition, Cutlass, Dagger, Firearms, Guns, Knife)
  • Drugs (Awakening (Stimulants), Marijuana, Narcotic, Opium, Poppy Straw, Psychotropic)
  • Animal Quarantine (Antibody, Bacillus, Bacon, Bacteria, Beef (Pork) Jerky, Biological substance, Blood, Bone, Cell, Coliform, Dairy products, Feathers, Feed, Fish meal, Fur Pelts, Gelatin, Guts, Horns, Insect, Meat, Petfood, Protein, Raw Milk, Raw Wool & Leather, Sausage, Semen, Serum, Skin).
  • Plant Quarantine (Barley, Beans, Chia Seeds, Clay, Flour, Flowers, Fresh/Dried Fruits, Frozen Fruit, Fungus, Ginseng, Grain, Green Coffee, Hay, Herb, Leaf, Malt, Moss, Nuts, Potpourri, Quinoa, Rice, Seeds, Soil, Soil Additive, Spices, Straw, Tea (Tbag accepted), Tobacco, Vegetable, Walnut, Wheat, Wood
  • Articles that infringe upon rights in patent, utility models, designs, trade marks or copyright.
  • Personal effects
  • Products made in North Korea.
  • Movie Films (35mm & 70mm)
  • Communistic Material
  • Mineral Products
  • Dangerous Goods: Class 1 (Explosives), Class 7 (Radioactives)
  • Flick/Spring Knives
  • Firecrackers
  • Lighters (all types)
  • Horns of Rhinoceros (powder and waste)
  • Worked Rhinoceros Horns
  • Health Supplements (a)
  • Chewing Gum (b)
  • Chewing Tobacco
  • Imitation Tobacco
  • Seditious and Treasonable Materials
  • Electronic Cigarettes
  • Cigarette Lighters shaped as pistols, revolvers, controlled drugs and psychotropic substances
  • Endangered species of wildlife and their by-products
  • Obscene articles (publications, video tapes, discs and software)
  • Reproduction of copyright publications, video tapes, video compact discs, laser discs, records or cassettes
  • All fish and fish product - canned or fresh in any type of packaging from an establishment company name: Zhangjiang Shiyu Aquatic Products Co. Ltd., CHINA (Establishments number CN4400/02213) and ready-to-eat fish products - canned or fresh in any type of packaging from Amand Charles Ets SA, FRANCE or Charles Amand Ets SA, FRANCE.
  • Meat from the UK (canned meats are accepted).
  • Ready to eat meat products from Malaysia.
  • Logs and timber products from Liberia such as woodchips, poles, posts, fence pickets, sheets, flooring, molding, pallets, tool handles, barrels, crates, tableware/kitchenware, shutters, blinds, cases/boxes/chests for jewelry and silverware, clothes hangers, clothespins, toothpicks, etc.

Africa and Middle East

  • Electronic Items (Watches, Car-Keys, etc) with a Camera and Pens with a Camera
  • Any item offensive to Muslim culture
  • Pornographic (Media)
  • Political propaganda
  • Radar Detector
  • Satellite Receivers
  • Synthetic Marijuana Drugs (K2 & K9)
  • Used Tires
  • Israel manufactured product
  • Antiques
  • Electronic Cigarettes, Shesha (Vaporizer) & its components
  • Smart watches (with camera or mobile phone)
  • Viagra sexual medication
  • Used medical devices, open medicine or instruments
  • Honey
  • Ivory
  • Remote controlled (wireless electronic toys and parts)
  • Quantum pendant (necklace pendant)
  • Porno CD's, sexual items/toys
  • Clothing for personal use (similar to military uniform)
  • Global Positioning System (GPS) devices (for personal use)
  • Magic Jack & Router Varnish (USB devices that make free international calls from computer)
  • Cameras or equipment used for spying.
  • Any item offensive to the Muslim Culture.
  • Individual/personal shipments valued above US $2,000.
  • Masks
  • Playing Cards
  • Poisons (Toxics)
  • Smart Cards
  • Pokemon Toys
  • Tobacco Advertisements
  • Counterfeit Goods
  • Pornographic (Media)
  • Sex Toys and other items related to sex
  • All kinds of religious books (including but not limited to Qur'an, Bible, Buddhism..etc)
  • Spice
  • Herbal Tea
  • Dates
  • Herbal Products
  • K2
  • Electronic Smoking Devices
  • Walkie Talkie (Personal Use)
  • Video Games (containing graphic material)
  • Laser Pointers
  • Adult Toys
  • Magic Games
  • Male Enhancement Supplements (creams, tablets or sprays)
  • Metal Detector (personal use)
  • Electrical shocker (personal use)
  • Tatoo Machine
  • Mannequins
  • E-Cigarette and e-cigarette flavor
  • Any media displaying the female anatomy
  • Items offensive to Muslim culture
  • Gambling items such as lottery tickets
  • Clothing consigned to a military unit
  • Items offensive to Saudi Royal family, Saudi politics, habits or traditions
  • Any items that have a hidden camera or anything that can be used as a spying item like (pen, watch and etc.)
  • All shipments containing jewelry including but not limited to (gold, silver, platinum, pearls, stones and diamonds, etc.) with a declared or commercial value above USD $500 is prohibited and will be confiscated by the customs authorities in Saudi Arabia.
  • All commercial shipments containing jewelry including but not limited to gold, silver, platinum, pearls, stones and diamonds, etc